Check back HERE DAILY for new NKB Challenges REVEALED!
CHALLENGE #1 - BE GENEROUS | Bring a non-perishable food item for our Thanksgiving Food Drive and earn your 1st NKB Tatto and Stamp on your challenge card. Challenge cards can be picked up at the Greeter table right inside the front door of the YMCA. Food items can also be dropped off at this location. You can complete this challenge anytime throughout the meet. BE GENEROUS!
CHALLENGE #2 - BE GRATEFUL | MPR #1 available at 9 AM (Duck Pond) Write a thank you post card to a coach, parent, or someone important in your life. In order to complete the challenge you must have a full address - the Y will mail the cards out at the end of the meet! Swimmers can take their card with them to finish and turn back in at the duck pond when complete (with full address) to receive their stamp and tatto.
CHALLENGE #3 - BE KIND | MPR #3 (Awards Room) Recognize someone for their kindness on a "link" and we will add it to our kindness chain!
CHALLENGE #4 - BE POSITIVE | Front Lobby available 9 AM - 3 PM (Pool Windows Next to NKB Plaque) Always try to find the good in people! Complete the NKB Challenge by creating a "Shout-Out Sun" to share a postive message, phrase, or word. Write your message on the sun and tape it to the wall to spread POSITIVE VIBES.
NKB SHIRT UPDATE | The first 40 swimmers in the 9-12 session, 30 swimmers in the 8 & Under session, and 30 swimmers in the OPEN session who complete all four challenges can earn an NKB shirt. Shirt sizes not guarenteed. Completed cards can be turned in at the GREETER TABLE at the Main Entrance.